Saturday, June 14, 2008

Dear America,

This blog has been a long time coming... I actually started it back in June, but then forgot about it...But I think it needs to be posted.

To quote Barry Goldwater, Jr. (I was actually reading the newspaper today...I feel very impressed with myself), with Barack Obama having the Democratic nomination, we are "in trouble. Seriously, we are in trouble."

Well, the quote went something along those lines, anyways.

In the next four years, I will be coming of age, and the choices that our next fearless leader makes will be affecting me, too. I don't want a socialist idiot to be making foolish choices that I'll have to deal with, along with the rest of the population of this great country. Even though I'm too young to vote, I'm not too young to influence those around me who CAN vote. And I'll be darned if I' m not going to try to persuade every legal adult who reads this to not vote for Obama!

I really do feel very strongly about Obama not being the next president. Very rarely to I get hyped up or passionate about something, especially politics, but this is something that I firmly believe in, and by using the great force that is the blogosphere, I'm hoping that I'll be able to reach at least a few people.

Barack Obama is an extreme. Personally, I don't think extreme anything is all that great, especially when it involves politics and ruling a country. Obama is such an extreme liberal, that I feel fairly confident in saying that if he gets elected to office, nothing that comes from the Republican party will ever be passed. You have to keep an open mind (while still managing to maintain your morals) to other ideas, even if they come from the opposing party. Don't vote something in just because it's Democratic, and don't veto something just because it's Republican. That will get you nowhere, except into a big mess. Barack Obama is everything that a president should NOT be. Now, I'm not defending McCain. He's not much better than Obama. But I'd choose him over Barack.

We all know that Obama is an exquisite orator. He supposedly has charisma and charm, as well. But if you actually listen to what he's saying, the meaning behind all those fancy words and well-formed sentences...Well, he's not really saying much at all. Don't be taken in by his pretty words and promises for change (how many times have we been promised change?). Actually look at his politics and become aware of who exactly you're voting for. Become aware, America! Don't vote for somebody because Oprah tells you to! (Because honestly, Oprah can kiss it. She doesn't know crap.) America has become so superficial that we don't think to look below the surface. In doing so, we miss so many crucial things. Look below Obama's pretty facade, and find out just what this man is all about. And I really don't think it's as pretty as the act that he puts on.

I honestly think that if our Founding Fathers saw some of the things that are going on in this country today, they would be ashamed of what our government has become. I can't really say this any other way; please, do not vote for Obama. Research some of the views that he supports and the decisions he's made as a senator. Don't be tricked because he talks pretty.

Example: He supports partial-birth abortion. My father emailed him, and one of this little butt boys wrote back "Mr. Obama's" opinion on the subject, and, oh boy did he try to prettily write his way around that one! But in the end, it doesn't matter how pretty and flowery he makes it sound; the truth is that he supports murdering unborn babies. If you don't know what partial-birth abortion is, I suggest researching it on an empty stomach. It's truly a heinous act that is abominable and I find it hard to believe that anyone who is not a monster could support it, much less perform it.

If I manage to convince even one person to not vote for Barack Obama, I'll feel somewhat validated.


Okay, Barack Osa-I mean, Obama.

I'll admit, the title was a cheap shot. But the similarity between the two names is remarkable! Just switch out one consonant with another and BAM.

Anyways, on with the real point of this whole thing.
Quite bluntly, I could run this country better than that pathetic excuse for a politician.
Yeah, you heard me! It is SO on, Obama, SO on!
I am a sixteen year old girl who most people take for being quite ditzy and stupid. But I don't think I could even rival you in the stupidity category. Face it, the only reason you're candidate is because this country is, deep down inside, sexist (plus who wants the Clintons back in charge?), but nobody wants to admit to being racist. And thus, the HALF black man is picked.

And what is the reason, the spark, for my tirade? Recently, I was reading an article contrasting McCain and Obama's tax policies. And Obama really just blew my mind.

You see, Obama has this great, spectacular, amazingly amazing idea to RAISE THE OIL COMPANY'S TAXES. In theory, that sounds great, just like socialism (hah! how well has that work out?); let's raise the taxes of the big bad wolf oil company! Yeah! Let's take their money away! Right!


Do you know what raising the oil company's taxes will do? DIDDLY SQUAT (I like the CAPS button, can ya tell?). The CEO's will die from laughter. There is no way this side of heaven or hell are they going to lose any their billions of dollars, especially to the government. Are you guys crazy?!
And do you know how they will make up for all the money lost in taxes?
(If you haven't guessed it by now, I'm officially labeling you an idiot and order you to leave this blog)
Get ready for it...

They will raise the price of gas. It takes true genius to figure that out. No, really, it does. Obviously, if Obama can't figure that out.
Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but as a sixteen year old who is quite eager to get her license and start driving, the very last thing I want is to have to pay $6 a gallon for gas (oh yes, it WILL happen, and how, if the oil company's taxes get raised).

This week, my mom was driving on the way to the store, and gas was something along the lines of $4.02 a gallon, or something close to that. An hour later, she passed the very same gas station, and gas had climbed up to $4.16. Fourteen cents in one hour.
Fourteen cents actually doesn't sound like ALL that much, but it really does make a big difference.

Now, I'm not too fond of either candidate, but McCain seems to have at least a little bit more common sense than Obama. McCain wants to stop federal tax on gas until prices have reached something a bit less outrageous. Obama, being the CHNM (cotton-headed ninny muggins-work with me) that he is, laughed and asked what a difference that would make.
Um. A lot. I'm getting quite frustrated with you, Obama.
Eighteen or twenty-four cents off the price of gas would do a whole heckuva lot in the big picture. Especially for people with SUV's or trucks.

I guess what I'm trying to say here, people, is...

Please. If you have any sense at all, any semblance of intelligence, do NOT vote for Obama in November.
Do you really want our country to become a socialist failure?