Monday, July 14, 2008

hollywood hills and suburban thrills, hey you, who are you kidding?

if beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then why do we hold everyone up to a one size fits all impossible standard of airbrushed beauty?
does that make any sense? it's 2 in the AM and it seems to make sense in my head. but i repeat it's 2 in the AM.
i've been thinking about this ever since i watched a national geographic show about tattoos with kirsten. trust me, it's more relevant than it sounds. there was this one girl from an obscure african tribe who got a facial tattoo (as in, all over her face, and oh, there was blood) as a coming of age rite of passage. in her tribe, the tattoo somehow makes her beautiful. over here, in america, not so much.
i don't know, watching that show made me think of that quote, and how everyone has different ideas of what beauty is, so why does our society expect girls (and guys, but you fellas definitely don't have the pressure that we do) to reach that impossible level of perfection to universally be considered "beautiful"?
personally, i like different. i think different is beautiful. i don't think that the blonde bimbos who are more silicone than they are skin and who have a tanorexia/anorexia problem are beautiful. of course, about 95.9% of the rest of america doesn't agree with me, but that's probably because they're not as smart as i am. that's okay though, not everyone can be as wonderfully intelligent as i am, not to toot my own horn or anything. not that i can toot a horn, as i don't have enough hot air tooooo...
aaaand i think it's time to end my after midnight ramble.


ohhh, and p.s.:

Mark my words, oh, just a little more, Sara said,
and subtly subsistence is suicide.
Exercise and malnutrition
keep curves tight,
'cause all that matters is what's outside.
So says every magazine cover
which gallantly assaults
our own women and children,
but it's not my fault,
It's never my fault.
We dare to bury our three-square fare
in a twenty-first century artery,
And feed beyond our need
so pardon me,
this part of me.
-"sick little suicide" by the matches
think about it.

1 comment:

ohhushkirsten said...

oh i believe you could toot your own horn. that is one of my favorite songs. that show was disturbing, seriously. i had problems falling asleep.